Planning for Divorce When You Have Children With Disabilities

Planning for Divorce When You Have Children With Disabilities

Raising a child with special needs is very challenging. In addition to all the extra attention that the child requires, you also have to worry about medical costs and child support. When going through a divorce, you have to sit down with your spouse and discuss the future of your child.

What is best for your child’s sake? Once you answer that question, you and your spouse will know what to do. Here are a few things that will help you when planning for a divorce and being concerned about your disabled child at the same time.

Specialized Visitation

Your child will definitely need both of you to visit as often as possible. Regardless of your relationship with your spouse, you have to agree on a specialized visitation schedule. Create a plan and come to terms with your spouse. You are both doing this for your child’s benefit, and as difficult as it is, it is your responsibility.

Additional Planning

When going through a Divorce in Salt Lake City, if you have a child with disabilities, you have to consider the following:

  • Where is your child going to go to school?
  • Does the school support children with disabilities?
  • What kind of care will the child receive?
  • What kind of treatments will the child undergo?
  • Who will pay for the child’s support?

In addition to everything listed above, your child will require daily care, someone to take care of him/her on a daily basis. This includes:

  • Giving medication
  • Helping the child adapt to the new surroundings
  • Monitoring a child’s food intake and consistency

If you and your spouse do not plan on investing in a special private caretaker, taking care of your child alone will be more difficult than you can imagine. For that reason, you are going to need to craft a specialized visitation schedule, one that covers every hour of the child’s free time.

Full-Time Care

If you are going to speed your days taking care of your child, you and your spouse need to consider alimony. As a primary caregiver, your duty will be to ensure that your child visits the doctor regularly, goes to appointed treatments, and when the money is needed, you will have to secure it somehow. If your spouse does not feel like helping you with an alimony after a divorce, your only option is to speak with a skilled an experienced Family Law Attorney in Salt Lake City; call, schedule a free consultation and learn how you can obtain child support or alimony and what are your legal rights (in case you are to remain the child’s primary caregiver).

There are hundreds of things you have to take into consideration; the only way to do the right thing is to do everything in order to benefit your child’s health and condition. That involves being there for him/her, providing much-needed care and love. And if your spouse decides not to help you, use the legal way of obtaining his/her help.